Rich and Pretty
Most of the girls who want to work as web cam models are mainly afraid that their relatives or friends will find out what they are doing.
First of all, you should know that the fear of being recognised by someone will really affect your earnings, because you will always be timid, expecting someone to find out and you will not be able to relax and enjoy the benefits that this job brings you.
However, if you care a lot about your privacy, then we advise you to choose a web cam studio that will not expose you publicly at various annual events or on social networks in various marketing campaigns. Choose a web cam studio in UK that can helps reduce these risks. You have probably already seen that certain models have stopped hiding themselves and with this decision their earning have increased incredibly.
In addition, one of the main things that also matter is what web cam studio you choose and what web cam sites they collaborate with as it is important how popular they are to the general public. For example, at Rich and Pretty Studio, we work only with 3 web cam sites that offer you the possibility to restrict the access of visitors from certain countries. So, you can be sure that no relatives or friends will find out what you are doing as we will restrict their access to you.
In other words, we advise you that the information you provide to members about your life, especially when you talk to them about (where you study, your age, personal details about your family etc.) should be fake. However, you must keep in your mind that the web cam model job happens exclusively on the internet, and the risk of someone recognising you, will always exist. Studios that promise you 100% confidentiality forget to mention this aspect as they think that if they mention it-they will lose you as a model.
When you use internet, either for web cam streaming, or for promoting a brand or creating your own FB and Instagram accounts for personal use, you must understand and accept the fact that there is exposure in the virtual environment.
At Rich and Pretty Studio, we make sure that you have your own comfort zone by limiting the access from the countries your relatives are as we want you to always be calm and happy without the fear of that someone may recognise you or appear on your web cam streaming.